Kitchen Cabinets - About

Kitchen Cabinets Cleveland

My name is Alex Nemet and just a few of the many “hats” I wear include:

  • Husband
  • Father
  • Mountain Climber
  • Marathon Runner
  • and the world’s best unknown Extreme Ultra Marathon Enthusiast
  • and most relevant to you: Entrepreneur and owner of Northeast Factory Direct in Cleveland, OH.

I literally fell into the kitchen cabinet industry.

Initially, my wife and I ran a small furniture franchise business and hot tubs were added in 2001. As entrepreneurs and business owners, we are constantly having to reinvent ourselves, and the current economic conditions led us in the direction of kitchen cabinets.

Schedule a free design consult
Alex Nemet owner

By offering superior customer service, honest answers, and fair prices … our business thrived thanks primarily to “word of mouth” advertising from satisfied customers. In fact, in 2007 more than 39% of all sales were through referrals and this is no accident.

Please Just Remember Our Cabinet Sales are By Appointment Only.

Alex Nemet hiking Alex Nemet family