Considering investing in a hot tub? Come on in, the water's fine! Whether you're just starting your research or have already purchased your first one, congratulations! You're about to enjoy the mental and physical benefits of having your own spa. From pain and anxiety relief to improved circulation and better sleep, a hot tub can significantly enhance your daily life.


At Northeast Factory Direct, we understand the excitement (and maybe a few questions!) that come with owning a hot tub for the first time. This guide tackles the 10 most frequently asked questions by hot tub newcomers, ensuring your journey to hot tub relaxation is smooth sailing. We'll cover everything from daily upkeep to seasonal maintenance, so you can become a hot tub pro in no time.


Let's dive into those questions!


1. How Hot Should My Hot Tub Be?


The ideal hot tub temperature depends on personal preference, but most people find a range of 98°F to 104°F (36°C to 40°C) comfortable and relaxing. Here's a breakdown to help you decide:


98°F to 100°F (36°C to 38°C): Good for longer soaks, as it allows you to relax without overheating.

100°F to 102°F (38°C to 39°C): Popular choice offering a good balance between warmth and comfort.

102°F to 104°F (39°C to 40°C): Best for shorter soaks or those who prefer a very warm experience.


Important safety note: Never exceed 104°F (40°C) as it can be unsafe. Consult your doctor if you have any health concerns before using a hot tub.


2. Should I Keep My Hot Tub Running All the Time?


This depends on how often you plan to use your hot tub. If you use it often, keeping it running will have it always ready to use at a moment's notice, but it can lead to higher electricity bills. 


If you are using it less than a few times a week, turning it on before use will be more energy efficient, but requires planning ahead as it takes time for the water to heat up.


3. How Often Should I add Chlorine to My Hot Tub?


You should add chlorine to your hot tub daily or very frequently. Chlorine helps kill bacteria and other contaminants in your hot tub water, keeping it clean and safe for use. However, the hot tub's filtration system and constant warm temperature can accelerate chlorine breakdown. Here are the steps to adding chlorine:


Test your hot tub water daily using test strips.

Compare the chlorine level reading to the manufacturer's recommended range.

If the chlorine level is low, add the appropriate amount of chlorine according to the product instructions and your hot tub size.


4. How Do I Increase Or Decrease The pH Levels?


Maintaining proper pH levels (between 7.2 and 7.8) is crucial for clean and comfortable hot tub water. A balanced pH ensures chlorine works effectivley while preventing skin irritation and cloudy water. A low pH can irritate skin and eyes, and possibly damage equipment, while a high pH makes chlorine less effective, causing cloudy water and scale build up.


Here are the steps for balancing your pH:


Test your hot tub water's pH level using test strips.

Compare the pH reading to the recommended range.

Adjust the pH by adding a pH increaser or decreaser according to the product instructions.



5. How Do I Clean My Hot Tub?


Cleaning your hot tub involves regular maintenance to keep it sparkling clean and enjoyable. Let's break down a basic cleaning schedule:


Daily: Skim the surface with a net to remove leaves, debris, and floating objects.

Weekly: Wipe down the shell with a non-abrasive cleaner to remove any grime or film buildup. Remove and clean the hot tub filter (see question 6 for details).

Every Few Weeks: Use a specially formulated hot tub cleaner to remove any built-up residue or stains on the shell and compontents. Follow the mnaufacturer's instructions for proper dilution and application.


empty hot tub with bamboo fence around it.


6. How Often Should I Clean My Hot Tub Filter?


You should clean your hot tub filter at least once a week. The filter is important as it traps dirt, hair, and debris from the water, keeping it clean. A clogged filter can reduce circulation and make it harder for the chlorine to work effectively. Here are the easy steps to follow:


Turn off the hot tub and remove the filter according to your owner's manual.

Rinse the filter with a strong stream of water from a garden hose to remove debris and buildup.

Consult your owner's manual for specific cleaning instructions for your filter model. Some filters may require additional cleaning with a filter cleaner solution.

Allow the filter to air dry completely before placing it back in the hot tub.



7. How Do I Shock My Hot Tub?


Shocking your hot tub removes built-up contaminants and helps chlorine work more effectivley. Over time, body oils, lotions, and other contaminants can build up in the water, reducing chlorine's effectiveness. Shocking helps break down these contaminants. Here's what you'll need to do:


Follow the specific instructions for your chosen shocking product. This may involve turning off the circulation system temporarily or adding the shock directly to the water.

The frequency of shocking will depend on your sanitizer and usage. Typically, shocking is done weekly or bi-weekly, but consult your sanitizer's instructions for the recommended frequency.



8. How Often Should I Drain My Hot Tub and How Do I Do It?


Plan to drain and clean your hot tub every 3-4 months. Draining allows for a more thorough cleaning of the shell and removal of any built-up residue that can affect water quality. It also helps to refresh the water and remove any mineral buildup that can occur over time. Follow these easy steps:


Consult your owner's manual for specific draining instructions for your hot tub model. The process typically involves attaching a hose to the drain outlet and directing the water to a suitable drain location.

Once drained, clean the shell thoroughly with a non-abrasive cleaner and rinse well. You can also use a wet/dry shop vac to remove any residual water.

Refill the hot tub with fresh water and follow the proper steps to balance the water chemistry (see question 4).



9. How Long Do Hot Tubs Last with Regular Maintenance?


With proper care, a hot tub can last 10-20 years. Here's how regluar maintenance helps:


Cleaning: Regular cleaning prevents dirt and debris buildup, extending the lifespan of the filter, jets, and other components.

Water Chemistry: Maintaining proper water chemistry ensures clean and healthy water, reducing wear and tear on the hot tub's equipment.

Repairs: Addressing any repairs promptly prevents small issues from becoming bigger problems.


10. How Do I Winterize My Hot Tub?


If you live in a climate with freezing temperatures, winterizing your hot tub is essential to prevent damage from freezing water. Freezing water can expand and crack the hot tub shell, pipes, and other components. To winterize your hot tub, consult your owner's manual or a qualified professional for specific winterizing instructions for your hot tub model. Generally, the steps are: 

Drain the water completely.

Clean the shell and components.

Blow out any remaining water from the pipes to prevent freezing.


Bonus Tip!

Maintaining a hot tub can be a breeze with Northeast Factory Direct's professional hot tub services. Feeling unsure about the ins and outs of hot tub care? Our Pool School service offers a personal visit from a Hot Tub Expert who will teach you everything you need to know! From operating and maintaining saltwater or freshwater systems to water testing, chemical balancing, filter changes, and even winterization – they'll answer your FAQs and ensure you're confident in keeping your hot tub running smoothly.


For those who prefer a hands-off approach, our Valet Service offers different packages to suit your needs. The Single Package provides a one-time general maintenance session, including filter cleaning (replacement if needed), debris skimming, cleaning, Spa Frog sanitizer replacement, and water chemistry testing.


Want year-round peace of mind? The Seasonal Package includes both spring opening and fall winterization services, plus four scheduled cleaning and maintenance sessions throughout the year. For maximum convenience, the Annual Package offers twelve (12) personal Valet cleaning and maintenance sessions per year, ensuring your hot tub is always sparkling and ready to enjoy.


Visit our Hot Tub Servicing page to learn more about these services and book an appointment today! Let Northeast Factory Direct take care of the hard work, so you can focus on soaking away your stress and enjoying the therapeutic benefits of your hot tub.


hot tub with beautiful landscape around it including waterfall